Monday, June 9, 2014

Refelections on Blogging

I hated blogging I think that it was one of the worst things we did in this class.  I did not blog for fun I just blogged when  I was told to.  I don't think I could make my ow blog and keep it up because I hated blogging on Mondays.  I think people that blog for money are overratued.  I do not read other peoples blogs.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

National Egg Day

I will prepare for nation egg day by have eggs for this holiday by eating eggs for breakfest or lunch.  I do like eggs.  I eat eggs about once a week.  My favorite egg dish is egg salad.  I beieve that this is not a silly holiday. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

National Month For?

I think that some people set up things to celebrated on certain days of the month because it is things that they like and want to celebrate.  Some other things that we celebrate in the month of may is National hug your cat day on May 3rd.  On May 9th its nation lost sock day, people celebrate a memorial day for lost socks.  Finally on May 13th its national frog jumping day where people celebrate frogs.  Something that I would like to celebrate this month is national buy a musical instrument day because music is important and inspiration to many people.  We should celebrate this day by listing to music every day for one week.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Violence on T.V.

I don't think of anything about the violence on T.V.  I don't think that there is to much violennce on T.V.  I do't think that vilent shows should be on at a certain time becasue they can still stay up an watch them and plus they worn you if there is violent in that show, so its not the producers or the channels faught for children watching it.  I do watch vilent T.V. because some of the are interesting and are good movies.  I think that T.V. shows have alot of violence becasue it can make for a good show. 

Monday, April 28, 2014


My thoughts about prom is that it is overrated.  I have not went to this years prom because it hasnt't happened yet this year at our school but i won't be going.  the best part about prom is not going.  I don't think that it is super important to go to prom your senior year.

Monday, March 24, 2014

March Madness

This weeks topic is a topic of our choice so im doing mine on the NCAA tournament.  This years tournament Has been a different one there has been many upsets for big teams.  I think the first upset was with Ohio State losing to Dayton by one point.  Another upset would be Harvard beating Cincinnati in the second round.  Big teams like Syracuse, the second rank it the country Wichita state Losing to Kentucky. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Photography Compesition

I think this picture is perfectly placed because of the deer drinking from the river.  Another thing that is perfect about this picture is the leaves changing from the cold weather.  Another perfect thing about this picture is the foggey mountains in the background.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Top Four

The first most important thing would be the refrigerator because  without it we would not be able to store foods like meats and dairy products.  The second most important thing would be a vehicle so you could travel to place quicker.  The threed would be electricity so you can see in the dark and keep the refrigerator running.  The fourth would be water to stay hydrated.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Popular Presidents

 The president I believe that had the greates impact was George Washington.  He had the gretest impact because he was our first presodent and he was a general in the army who helped get our freedom.  I think the hardesty part of being president is making the hard disiccions.  If i was running for president my campaign pitch would be to create more jobs.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Giant Weta Bug

If I can be any insect i would be a Giant Weta Bug.  I would want to be a Giant Weta Bug because they look like giant crickets.  I want to be this insects it can be larger that 4 inces tall.  The insect can be about 8 inches long.  I also would want to be this because of long intenas.  The Giant Weta Bug can also weigh about 71 grams.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Final Exam

The tool that I think that I will most likely use would be phtoshop bcause of all the features that it has like croping pictures or clearing pictures up,chaning colors pictures like chair form blue to any other color , erasing and adding things to a picture, and many more things.  I think I will most likely use Photshop if I worked in some sort a studio like a photo or a news studio.  A tool that I learned this year that I probably never use again is bloglines because most of the things that are on blog lines you can watch on the news twice as fast.