Thursday, January 30, 2014

Giant Weta Bug

If I can be any insect i would be a Giant Weta Bug.  I would want to be a Giant Weta Bug because they look like giant crickets.  I want to be this insects it can be larger that 4 inces tall.  The insect can be about 8 inches long.  I also would want to be this because of long intenas.  The Giant Weta Bug can also weigh about 71 grams.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Final Exam

The tool that I think that I will most likely use would be phtoshop bcause of all the features that it has like croping pictures or clearing pictures up,chaning colors pictures like chair form blue to any other color , erasing and adding things to a picture, and many more things.  I think I will most likely use Photshop if I worked in some sort a studio like a photo or a news studio.  A tool that I learned this year that I probably never use again is bloglines because most of the things that are on blog lines you can watch on the news twice as fast.